lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016

Earthquake of Japan (2011)

This earthquake hapen in Japan the 11 of mars of 2011, and it also create a tsunami of more than 40 metres. The epicentre was in the sea near the coast of Honshu. The earthquake was of 6 minutes. Two days before, another eathquake happened. This earthquake was the biggest one in all the history of Japan, as the same time was the number five in the hole World. Some hours later the Karateng volcano in the Celebes Islands have an eruption. In this earthquake more than 15000 peaple lost their lives.

The eruption of the Tambora

The eruption of the Tambora

The Tambora was an stratovolcano o composite volcano located in the Sumbawa island in Indonesia. It was one of the biggest mountains in all Indonesia in the XVIII century. The eruption was the 10 of April of 1815. It was the biggest volcanic eruption that has been registed. Even in Sumatra they heard the explotion and this island is at 2000 km from Tambora. Also the volcanic ashes fell so far away that they found in Borneo, Java, Celebes and in the Molucas Islands. More than 71000 peaple dead and of this deads, 11000 were killed by the volcano and the rest from diseases and famine. The consecuences of this eruption were horrible, 1816 was known as the year without summer, this because the effects in America and Europe. A fact of this eruption is that in 2004 some arqueologist founds the ancient ruins of  Tambora, similar to the Pompeya ones.