miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017

The unemmployment in Spain

Resultado de imagen de desempleoThe unemployment is the situation of peaple of working age who do not have a job but would like to have one. When you are unemployed you obtain a benefit (money) from the goverment taking into account the salary you usually obtained and the years that you have been working.

In Spain the unemployed tase is higher than the others countries in the European Union. In 2016 the number of peaple of working age that didn't work was of 4.237.800. Another important thing to take into account is that the 55% of the peaple of less than 25 year are unemployed.

The evolution of unemployment in Spain

The population of Spain is divided into four groups

--> Peaple who have a job but they don't work because ilness, holydays or breaks
--> Unemployment peaple
--> Inactive, they work in housework or they are retired 
--> Peaple who is working

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